Two teams from each University (UPR Mayaguez and UPR Rio Piedras) have advanced to the Final Round. These teams will analyze the ethical dilemmas presented in a case study, identifying the breaches of the CFA Standards of Practice and Code of Conduct and suggesting ways to prevent any violations going forward.
On behalf of the Financial Analysts’ Society of Puerto Rico (FASPR), I’d like to congratulate the winners of the second CFA Ethics Challenge sponsored by FASPR. The winning team was from UPR – Mayaguez and consisted of Nileika Cherena, Emily Wu, Darwin J Díaz González, Carlos Jorge Hernández Castrodad ,and Kaleb O. Valentín Morales. They did a fantastic job.
The Winning Team
Left to Right: Angel Rivera, CFA (Judge), Kaleb O. Valentin, Nileika Cherena, Emily Wu He, Darwin Diaz, Carlos Hernandez, and Yolanda Ruiz-Vargas, PhD (Faculty Adviser)
We would also like to congratulate the other teams in the competition. The judges and other organizers were very impressed with all of the teams. This competition consisted of three teams from UPR-Mayaguez, and three teams from UPR – Rio Piedras. These teams went through a preliminary round, which chose the top two teams from each campus. These teams then competed in a final round, where our winner was chosen. A different case was analyzed by the teams in each round of the competition.
The CFA Ethics Challenge is a The Ethics Challenge is a competition between university-sponsored teams that analyze a case which contains a variety of ethical dilemmas. The cases incorporate common ethical issues and the application of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. Despite being new to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct and much of the terminology used in the case studies, all of the University teams showed a thorough grasp of the concepts and did an extraordinary job of identifying the ethical lapses in the cases and recommending solutions.
We would also like to thank our judges for the competition, Harry Markopolos, Angel Rivera, John Fitzpatrick, and Stephen Inglis. In addition to the time and effort they put into the preparation for the competition, they provided thoughtful feedback and advice to all of the teams.
Lastly, we would like to thank the faculty advisors from each campus, Yolanda Ruiz-Vargas, PhD from UPR – Mayaguez, and Charles Carpenter, CFA from UPR – Rio Piedras. The competition could not have occurred without their active participation.
We believe that all involved were encouraged by the abilities and enthusiasm shown by all of the student competitors. The goals of the Financial Analysts’ Society of Puerto Rico include strengthening the finance community in Puerto Rico through ongoing educational and professional opportunities for its members while promoting the highest ethical standards and professional excellence. The performance of our competitors gives us great cause for optimism for the future of the profession here in Puerto Rico.